Table 1.
Evidence of glioma-induced cerebral plasticity-Network level studies.
Study | Patients [number] | Gliomagrade | Imaging modality | Function/network | Key findings |
Piai et al., 2020 | 14 | LGG, HGG | MEG | Language | Evidence of presurgical plasticity with the right hemisphere performing similar neuronal computations as the left dominant hemisphere |
Thiel et al., 2001 | 61 | LGG | PET | Language | Evidence of intra- and interhemispheric compensation with recruitment of atypical language areas and frontolateral activation in the nondominant hemisphere |
Southwell et al., 2016 | 18 | LGG, HGG | DES | Language, sensory, motor | Preservation of neurological function despite cortical function loss in the primary motor and somatosensory areas during repeat surgery |
Gibb et al., 2020 | 6 | HGG | DES | Somatosensory, motor | Evidence of plasticity in the primary motor and somatosensory cortices of glioblastoma patients |
Aabedi et al., 2021 | 12 | LGG, HGG | DES | Language | Glioma-infiltrated cortex recruits a diffuse broader network of atypical cortical regions and participates in coordinated neural responses during speech production |
Rosenberg et al., 2008 | 1 | LGG | fMRI | Language | Compensation exerted by right hemisphere is incomplete; Change in language-related laterality from left to right corresponded to a decline in language function |
Traut et al., 2019 | 73 | LGG, HGG | MEG | Language | Robust involvement of contralateral homotopic language areas in functional reorganization |
Bulubas et al., 2020 | 78 | LGG, HGG | MEG | Motor | Both contralateral and ipsilateral motor cortices can compensate for impaired function in the primary motor cortex of brain tumor patients |
Vassal et al., 2017 | 6 | LGG | fMRI | Sensorimotor | Increased interhemispheric connectivity between the primary sensorimotor cortex ipsilateral to the tumor and the contralateral SMA correlates with rapid motor recovery |
Acioly et al., 2015 | 1 | LGG | fMRI | Sensorimotor | Functional motor recovery correlated with a shift of SMA activation to the contralateral hemisphere concomitant with an increase in the lateral premotor circuitry |
Rosenberg et al., 2010 | 26 | LGG, HGG | fMRI | Language, Motor | Greater SMA activation in the lesioned hemisphere correlated with motor and language recovery |
Duffau et al., 2002 | 3 | LGG | DES | Language, Sensorimotor | Evidence of surgical resection-induced functional reorganization in the peritumoral and infiltrated brain region |
Bulubas et al., 2016 | 100 | LGG, HGG | nTMS | Motor | Evidence of significant contribution of ipsilateral secondary motor areas such as premotor cortex in patients with motor eloquent brain tumors |