Figure 4. The Cbf1 HLH region facilitates pioneer activity through the dissociation rate compensation mechanism.
(A) Domain diagram of Cbf1ΔN and the Cbf1ΔN PHLH chimera where Cbf1 residues 237–351 was swapped out for Pho4 residues 265–312. (B) Representative smFRET time traces of Cbf1ΔN (top) and Cbf1ΔN PHLH (bottom) binding to and dissociating from nucleosomes. (C) Comparison of nucleosome binding rates (red), dissociation rates (blue) and dissociation rates relative to DNA for Cbf1ΔN and Cbf1ΔN PHLH. (D) Domain diagram of Pho4ΔN and the Pho4ΔN CHLHZ chimera where Pho4 265–312 was swapped out for Cbf1 residues 237–351. (E) Representative smFRET time traces of Pho4ΔN (top) and Pho4ΔN CHLHZ (bottom) binding to and dissociating from nucleosomes. (F) Comparison of nucleosome binding rates (red), dissociation rates (blue) and dissociation rates relative to DNA for Pho4ΔN and Pho4ΔN CHLHZ.