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. 2023 Feb 9;44(19):1705–1714. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehad056

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics

Pre-hospital rule-out strategy
n = 434
ED rule-out strategy
n = 429
Age (years), mean ± SD 53.7 (13.1) 53.2 (12.5)
Female sex, n (%) 247 (56.9) 248 (57.8)
HEAR score, median (IQR) 3 (2–3) 3 (2–3)
History score*, median (IQR) 0 (0–1) 1 (0–1)
ECG score*, median (IQR) 0 (0–0) 0 (0–0)
History of atherosclerotic disease, n (%) 34 (7.8) 23 (5.4)
Hypertension, n (%) 85 (19.6) 71 (16.6)
Diabetes mellitus, n (%) 22 (5.1) 14 (3.3)
Current smoker, n (%) 112 (25.8) 110 (25.6)
Hypercholesterolaemia, n (%) 37 (8.5) 35 (8.2)
Family history, n (%) 155 (35.7) 152 (35.4)
BMI ≥30 kg/m2, n (%) 86 (19.8) 80 (18.6)
Onset of symptoms >24 h, n (%) 130 (30.0) 123 (28.7)
Onset of symptoms <24 h, n (%) 304 (70.0) 306 (71.3)
Onset (hours) of symptoms (if onset <24 h), mean ± SD 7.1 (5.2) 6.8 (5.3)
Elevated troponin, n (%) 18 (4.1) 24 (5.6)
Heart rate (bpm), mean ± SD 77.9 (13.2) 77.4 (13.4)
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg), mean ± SD 146.0 (20.5) 145.1 (21.2)

BMI, body mass index; ECG, electrocardiogram; ED, emergency department; HEAR, History, ECG, Age and Risk factors; IQR, interquartile range; SD, standard deviation. *According to the HEAR score.