At P14, NKCC1 is strongly expressed in oligodendrocytes, microglia, vasculature, and the progenitor cells of the DG. (A) Overview of the NKCC1 IR in the P14 cortex and hippocampus. Except for the subgranular zone of the DG, majority of the NKCC1 IR colocalizes with the oligodendrocytic markers MBP and CNPase. (B) Strong NKCC1 IR in myelinated fibers and in the OL somata. Right: Some of the NKCC1 immunoreactive somata strongly expressed CNPase and MBP (asterisk), while others only expressed MBP (pound sign), possibly indicating different maturational stages. (C) P14 astrocytes were largely immunoreactive for NKCC1. (D) Similar to adult microglia, the P14 microglia exhibited one or a few NKCC1 IR clusters in the soma, often close to a ramification. (E) Clear NKCC1 IR was visible on blood vessels, colocalizing with the pericytic marker CD13. (F) While most cortical and hippocampal neurons did not show detectable levels of NKCC1 IR, some clearly NKCC1 positive cells (shown by the arrow head) were found in the cortex. (G) In the subgranular zone of the DG, GFAP positive neuronal progenitor cells strongly expressed NKCC1 (left). The GFAP-positive radial glia-like processes of the neuronal stem cells were also strongly NKCC1 immunoreactive (right). Scale bars A: 100 μm, B: 100 μm (left) and 10 μm (right), C, D and E: 10 μm, F: 20 μm, G: 5 μm (left) and 10 μm (right).