Figure EV3. Silencing TOR‐expression reduces ARF19 in TOR‐deficient pericycle cells after synchronized LR‐induction.
ARepresentative confocal images of mVenus accumulation in 7 DAG UB10pro>>amiR‐TOR/pARF19‐5′UTR::mVENUS seedlings. Seedlings were pre‐treated for 24 h with mock (DMSO) or 10 μM ß‐Estradiol to induce TOR knockdown and then transferred to 10 μM IAA to induce LR formation synchronously. Scale bar: 50 μm, n ≥ 11 individual roots.
BQuantification of mean gray values in the nuclei of the pericycle cells. Significant differences between mVENUS‐signal of 10 μM IAA treated seedlings either DMSO or Est pre‐treated roots based on paired t‐test.
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