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. 2023 May 10;11(5):23259671231154452. doi: 10.1177/23259671231154452

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Imaging findings that correlate with pseudoparalysis. (A) Collin et al 19 developed a classification for massive tear patterns (types A-E) based on the involvement of 5 portions of the rotator cuff: inferior subscapularis (SSc [inf]), superior subscapularis (SSc [sup]), supraspinatus (SSp), infraspinatus (IS), and teres minor (Tmin). These were correlated with the percentage of patients with pseudoparalysis (PP). Red and gray signify torn and intact portions of the cuff, respectively. (B) The Shoulder Abduction Moment index 9 is based on 2 circles. The green circle approximates the deltoid undersurface; it is drawn by being centered at the center of rotation and just touching the undersurface or sclerotic line of the acromion. The red circle approximates the rotator cuff moment arm; it is drawn centered on the humeral head and matching the articular surface.