Fig. 5.
Overall Survival Stratification by Reason for Progression. Illustrated are the Kaplan-Meier survival curves for overall survival (OS) for the different reasons for progressive disease (PD) according to Lugano criteria. Patients with multifactorial causes for classification as PD had a non-significant difference in OS compared to patients with an unifactorial cause for PD (p = 0.185) as shown in A. Similar results were observed for metabolic progression (D) with a small yet non-significant difference between patients with progressive metabolic disease (PMD) and patients with no PMD (p = 0.192). Between the groups with uni, oligo, and multi target lesion (TL) PD (B), there was a significant stratification of OS (p = 0.036) with patients with unifocal TL progression having a longer OS. Grouping patients according to the location of new lesions (NL), either nodal only, extranodal or mixed showed no significant difference in OS (C; p = 0.700)