a, Discretized nodes along the segmented mitochondria skeleton serve as the basis for network tracking. Terminal, branching, and bulk nodes are treated equally and termed skeleton nodes. Cloud: fluorescence density; sphere: skeleton node. b-c, Cost terms used for the linear assignment problem (LAP) formulation of node tracking. Spatial proximity is measured as distances between nodes within two consecutive frames. Topology cost is computed using a graph comparison that assigns low cost for similar local topology. d, LAP formulation of node tracking for the mitochondrial network. From left to right: 1) pairwise distance matrix for nodes at frames T and T+1; 2) thresholds to eliminate nodes too far to be tracked; 3) spatial separation and network topology constraints; 4) the solution to the LAP yields the tracking results as linked node pairs, along with terminated and initiated nodes. e, Two consecutive frames of a reaction-diffusion mitochondrial network simulation with representative fusion (cyan) and fission (magenta) positions pointed out by the arrows. f, Temporal network tracking for the simulated mitochondria for two consecutive timepoints (black: correct arrow, red: incorrect arrows, blue: incorrect arrows at the fusion/fission sites). g, Magnification of the example in-silico fusion (cyan) and fission (magenta) events in e). h, The y-axis denotes tracking precision which is the percentage of nodes that are correctly tracked (based on simulation ground-truth). The x-axis denotes average node mean squared displacement (MSD) per frame, which is linearly proportional to the frame interval according to MSD = 6Dτ. MSD is computed by converting simulation units to real world units so that it can be comparable to experimental data. Tracking is then performed for three scenarios: 1) red: tracking on simulations without fusion/fission using distance cost only (similar curve for simulation with fusion/fission); 2) green: tracking on simulation without fusion/fission using distance and topology costs; 3) blue: tracking on simulation with fusion/fission using distance and topology costs.