(A) Segmented ~8-Å resolution subtomogram average of neighboring Ana GvpA monomers connected by GvpC (gray surface) fitted with a model of GvpA and a poly-Ala chain corresponding in length to one repeating sequence of GvpC.
(B) Resulting GvpC binding model.
(C) GvpC binding site (dashed black box) at the hydrophobic pockets between α2 helices of GvpA. The surface of GvpA is colored by hydrophobicity.
(D) Cross-linked sites between GvpA and GvpC identified by mass spectrometry.
(E) Finite element shell models of a GV with a length of 500 nm and width of 85 nm and the indicated degree of GvpC saturation.
(F) Buckling pressure as a function of GvpC density. The orange line represents a simple linear regression fit.