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. 2023 May 16;21(5):e07993. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2023.7993

Table 28.

Comparison of housing systems regarding mastitis indicators (bacteriological findings, clinical mastitis and somatic cell counts)

Country Variable Tie‐stall Cubicle Straw yard Compost‐bedded pack Reference
Bacteriological findings (BACT)
CH BACT: environm. pathogens IMI (a) ns ns Bludau et al. (2016)
FI BACT: CNS, S. uberis, S. dysgal., C. bovis ns ns Taponen et al. (2017)
BACT: E. coli (with parlour)
SE BACT: other pathogens ns ns Duse et al. (2021)
BACT: T. pyogenes
DE, DK BACT: quarter bact. pos. & SCC > 100 Ivemeyer et al. (2018)
Clinical mastitis (CM)
IT CM: medical dry‐off Zanon et al. (2021)
NO CM: mastitis treatments ns ns Simensen et al. (2010)
SE CM: acute ns ns Nielsen and Emanuelson (2013)
AT CM: acute or chronic ns ns Firth et al. (2019)
AT CM: CM /cow & year ns ns Schenkenfelder and Winckler (2021)
CAN CM: CM/100 cow‐years at risk ns ns Levison et al. (2016)
USA CM: CM/305‐cow‐days Richert et al. (2013)
USA CM: CM/week ns ns Eckelkamp et al. (2016a)
ES CM: CM in 150DIM Astiz et al. (2014)
USA CM: CM (b) Sjostrom et al. (2019)
Somatic cell count (SCC)
FI SCC: CSCC ns ns Hiitio et al. (2017)
SCC: SCC ≥ 200 in ≥ 1 of 4 test days
SCC: SCC ≥ 200 in ≥ 3 of 4 test days
NO SCC: gBMSCC ns ns Simensen et al. (2010)
SE SCC: Score BMSCC (c) ns ns (with parlour) Nielsen and Emanuelson (2013)
SE SCC: LL; HL; HH herds (d) ( ) ( ) Persson Waller et al. (2021)
USA SCC: SCS (e) Dechow et al. (2011)
CA SCC: gBMSCC Bauman et al. (2018)
BE SCC: SCS (f) Detilleux et al. (2012)
DE, DK SCC: SCS (deep‐bedded) Ivemeyer et al. (2018)
SCC: cure during lactation
AT, DE, IT, NL, SI, SE SCC: log10SCC Emanuelson et al. (2022)
SCC: high SCC (g)
SCC: new high SCC (g)
IT SCC: CSCC Biasato et al. (2019)
USA SCC: BMSCC ns ns Eckelkamp et al. (2016a)
SCC: SCC ≥ 200 ns ns
ES SCC: mean lactation SCC ( ) ( ) Astiz et al. (2014)
USA SCC: SCS (b) ns ns Heins et al. (2019)
USA SCC: BMSCC ( ) ( ) ( ) Eckelkamp et al. (2016a)

 = significantly less mastitis (p < 0.05), () = a tendency for less mastitis (p < 0.1),  = significantly more mastitis (p < 0.05); () = a tendency for more mastitis (p < 0.1); ns = not significant. The housing systems compared are indicated by these arrows and empty cells mean that the corresponding housing system was not included in the comparison.


Primiparous cows, early lactation.


Straw yard outside, compost bedded pack inside.


Score BMSCC: very high, high, medium, low, very low.


CSCC in first two test days: LL = low‐low = primiparous cows with SCC ≤ 75 at first and second milk recording (≤ 75 ≤ 75).


Lower SCS in tie‐stall confined and tie‐stall outdoor + component feed vs. both cubicle systems and to tie‐stall with outdoor + TMR.


Tie‐stall and straw yard group together as one group.


High SCC: > 150 in primiparous cows, > 200 in multiparous cows, HH = high‐high = SCC > 100 at both test days (> 100 > 100); HL = high‐low = SCC > 100 ≤ 75. – > % LL, HL, HH cows/herd & year. – > herds above Q2 in year 1 and above Q3 in year 2 and 3 classified as LL, HH, HL herds.