Table 35.
Country | System (a) | Time (b) | Group comparison | Variable | Analysis (c) | Effect | Reference |
CAN | Cubicle | Summer | Daytime pasture (vs. zero‐grazing (d) ) | Lying (% time) | UA | ns | Shepley et al. (2017) |
CAN | Cubicle | Aug‐Oct | Overnight pasture (vs. all‐day indoors or overnight OLA) | Lying (% time) | UA | ↓ (e) | Smid et al. (2018) |
Overnight pasture (vs. overnight OLA) | Lying (% night) | UA | ns | ||||
CAN | Cubicle | May‐Jan | Overnight pasture (vs. zero‐grazing) | Lying (min/day) | MA | ns | Chapinal et al. (2010) |
Lying bout duration (h/bout) | MA | ns | |||||
Lying bouts (number/day) | MA | ↓ (f) | |||||
CH | Cubicle | Summer | All‐day pasture (vs. zero‐grazing (d) ) | Lying (min/day) | MA | ↓ | Dohme‐Meier et al. (2014) |
FR | Various | Winter, summer | Summer pasture (vs. winter barn) | Lying bouts (number/day) | MA | ns | Shepley et al. (2020a) |
Cubicle | Lying (h/day) | MA | (↓) | ||||
Straw yard | ns | ||||||
UK | Cubicle | Summer | All‐day pasture (vs. zero‐grazing) | Lying (min/day) | MA | ↓ | Roca‐Fernández et al. (2013) |
IRL | Cubicle | Summer | Overnight pasture (vs. zero‐grazing) | Lying (h/daytime) | MA | ns |
Crump et al. (2019) |
Lying (h/night) | MA | ↑ | |||||
Lying bout duration (h/bout) | MA | ↑ | |||||
Lying bouts (number/day) | MA | ↓ | |||||
Overnight up and down transitions | MA | ↓ | |||||
USA | Cubicle | Aug‐Nov | All‐day pasture (vs. zero‐grazing) | Lying (h/day) | MA | ↓ (g) |
Black and Krawczel (2016) |
Lying bout duration (min/bout) | MA | ns |
↑/↓ = significant increase/decrease of the variable (p < 0.05); ns = not significant. The colour of the sign (red or green) indicates whether the effect is considered positive from an animal welfare perspective (green) or negative (red). Arrows in black reflect an unclear interpretation of the effect from a welfare perspective.
Housing systems or husbandry practices used on the investigated farms.
Period of data collection.
Statistical analysis: MA = multivariable analysis (in the case of univariable pre‐selection of factors only effects of the final models were considered), UA = univariable analysis.
Plus outdoor loafing area.
Lying time was shorter when cows had free access to overnight pasture compared to indoor housing or with access to OLA.
Only significant in primiparous cows.
Not significant during time period of calving.