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. 2023 May 16;21(5):e07993. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2023.7993

Table D.13.

Effects of access to pasture (or outdoor loafing) on lameness prevalence or mean locomotion scores of dairy cows

Country System (a) Time (b) Group comparisons Variable n (herds) n (animals) Analysis (c) Effect Reference
DE Tie‐stall na Outdoor access (vs. zero‐grazing) Lame (no/yes) 56 1,006 MA ns Oehm et al. (2020)
IT Tie‐stall Spring –winter


Before grazing

During grazing

After grazing

% lame 24 UA (d) Corazzin et al. (2010)
RO Tie‐stall Winter Outdoor access (vs. zero‐grazing) % lame 80 3,192 UA Popescu et al. (2013)
CAN Cubicle May–January


Overnight pasture

Mean score 1 50 MA ns Chapinal et al. (2010)
DE Cubicle Winter, summer


< 6 h grazing (e)

6–10 h grazing (e)

> 10 h grazing (d)

% lame 61 3,128 MA Armbrecht et al. (2019)
DE Cubicle Winter


Summer pasture (f)

% severe lame 64 MA ns Gieseke et al. (2020)
DK Cubicle Winter


Summer grazing

% lame 37 2,593 MA ns Andreasen and Forkman (2012)
DK Cubicle Winter, summer

Winter housing

Summer grazing

% lame 56 3,148 UA ns Burow et al. (2013a)
NL Cubicle Winter


Summer grazing

% lame 179 MA de Vries et al. (2015)
USA Cubicle Summer


Dry cows grazing

% lame 1 40 MA Chapinal et al. (2013)
Algeria Various Winter



All‐year grazing

% lame 14 349 UA Dendani‐Chadi et al. (2020)
AT, IT Various Summer


Summer pasture

% lame 204 1,891 MA Katzenberger et al. (2020)
DE Various Summer


Medium grazing

High grazing

% lame 201 8,109 MA Sjöström et al. (2018)
DE Various Winter, summer

< 6 h grazing

< 12 h grazing

≥ 12 h grazing

% lame 32 MA Wagner et al. (2017)
IRL Pasture‐based Winter, summer

Winter housing

Summer grazing (g)

% lame 64 UA ns Crossley et al. (2021)

↓ = significantly less lameness during grazing or with increased time spent on pasture (p < 0.05), ns = no significant (p ≥ 0.05) or marginal (p ≥ 0.1) effect.


Housing systems or husbandry practices used on the investigated farms.


Period of data collection.


Statistical analysis: MA = multivariable analysis (in the case of univariable preselection of factors only effects of the final models were considered), UA = univariable analysis.


Significant differences were only found between prevalence before (12.4%) and during grazing (5.2%).


Access to pasture at ≥ 120 days/year.


Access to pasture for < 6 h/day.


Access to pasture at > 200 days/year.