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. 2023 May 16;21(5):e07993. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2023.7993

Table D.15.

Effect of access to pasture or outdoor loafing area on prevalence of integument alterations on the limbs

Country System (a) Time (b) Group comparisons N herds N animals Variable Analysis (c) Effect Reference
CH Tie‐stall Winter

< 13 days outdoor (d)

13 days outdoor (d)

14–15 days outdoor (d)

> 15 days outdoor (d)

27 607 Carpal mild (e) MA g Bernhard et al. (2020)

Carpal severe (f)

Severe (g)

Hock mild (e) MA

Hock severe (f)

severe (f)

MA ns
Stifle alterations UA ns
IT Tie‐stall Spring, summer, winter

All‐year tethering

Before pasture

During pasture

After pasture

24 Integument lesions UA (o) Corazzin et al. (2010)
Integument mildf UA ns
RO Tie‐stall Winter

All‐year tethering

Outdoor access

80 3,192 Integument severe (g) UA Popescu et al. (2013)





Summer pasture

204 1,891 Hock alterations UA Katzenberger et al. (2020)
DE, AT Cubicle Winter Days at pasture 105 3,691 Hock alterations MA ns Brenninkmeyer et al. (2013)
Outdoor loafing (no/yes) MA ns
DE Cubicle Winter, summer


< 6 h grazing (l)

6–10 h grazing (l)

> 10 h grazing (l)

20 240 Integument mild (g) MA Armbrecht et al. (2019)
Integument severe (f) MA
DE Cubicle Winter


Summer pasturem

64 Integument severe (f) MA ns Gieseke et al. (2020)
DK Cubicle na


3–9 h grazing

9–21 h grazing

56 3,148 Hock alterations MA (d) Burow et al. (2013b)
Hock severe (j) MA (h)
DK Cubicle Winter, summer

Winter housing

Summer grazing

56 3,148 Carpal index UA ( ) Burow et al. (2013a)
Hock index UA
DK Cubicle Winter


Summer pasture

37 2,593 Hock alterations MA ns Andreasen and Forkman (2012)
NL Cubicle Winter


Summer grazing

179 Integument severe (j) MA de Vries et al. (2015)
UK Cubicle Winter

2–40 days housing

41–76 days housing

77–11 days housing

> 112 days housing

76 Hock lesions MA (i) * Potterton et al. (2011)
Hock mild (e) MA *
Hock swelling MA ns
USA (NE) Cubicle Summer


Dry cows grazing

38 1,450 Hock alterations MA Barrientos et al. (2013)
Hock severe (f) MA
DE Various Winter, summer

< 6 h grazing

< 12 h grazing

≥ 12 h grazing

32 Integument mild (f) MA Wagner et al. (2017)
Integument severe (g) MA ns
IRL Pasture‐based Winter, summer

Winter housing

Summer grazing (n)

82 Carpal alterations UA Crossley et al. (2021)
Tarsus alterations UA
Hock severe (g) MA

↓ = significantly fewer alterations during outdoor access or increased time spent outdoor (p < 0.05), (↓) = by tendency less alterations (p < 0.1), ns = not significant (p ≥ 0.05).


Housing systems or husbandry practices used on the investigated farms.


Period of data collection.


Statistical analysis: MA = multivariable analysis (in the case of univariable preselection of factors only effects of the final models were considered), UA = univariable analysis.


Outdoor exercise during winter.


Hairless patches.




Only 14–15 days compared to < 13 days.


9–21 h compared to zero‐grazing.


Only 77–111 days compared to 2–14 days.




9–21 h compared to zero‐grazing.


: ≥ 120 days/year.


: < 6 h/days.


: > 200 days/year.


Only after pasture vs. during pasture, and after pasture vs. zero‐pasture.


Less integument alterations in lower number of winter housing days.