Amino acid sequences, structure of H2 relaxin, and predicted
of H2 variants. (A) Primary sequence of human relaxin 2 (H2 relaxin)
and its variants, H2 B-R13HR, H2 B-R17HR, and H2 B-R13/17HR. (B) Solution
NMR structure of H2 relaxin (Protein Data Bank (PDB): 2MV1) and simulated
structures of HR-incorporated H2 relaxin analogues. Structural estimation
of HR substitution into H2 relaxin was achieved with PyMOL v 2.0 using
the SwissSideChain plugin, and arginine residues were replaced with
HR before the side chains were manually aligned to the original arginine
side chain. (C) Structures of arginine (R) and homoarginine (HR).