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. 2023 May 12;10(1):e001462. doi: 10.1136/bmjresp-2022-001462

Table 3.

Comparison of subject demographic, pulmonary function and imaging measurements for those with or without COPD and further those with or without chronic cough

Parameter (±SD unless specified) No COPD (n=583) COPD (n=600)
No chronic cough
Chronic cough
P value No chronic cough
Chronic cough
P value
Subject demographic
Age, years 66 (9.7) 67 (8.6) 0.51 68 (10) 67 (10) 0.34
Female sex, n (%) 241 (47) 26 (40) 0.36 176 (36) 48 (41) 0.34
Caucasian, n (%) 484 (93) 64 (98) 0.16 457 (94) 113 (97) 0.24
Pack-years, yrs 10 (19) 18 (27) 0.03 20 (24) 26 (26) 0.03
BMI, kg/m2 27 (4.8) 28 (5.2) 0.46 28 (5.3) 27 (5.1) 0.28
Current-smoker, n (%) 51 (9.8) 13 (20) 0.02 74 (15) 39 (34) <0.001
History of asthma, n (%) 42 (8.1) 9 (14) 0.16 112 (23) 40 (34) 0.02
History of tuberculosis, n (%) 3.0 (0.58) 0.0 (0.0) 1.00 10 (2.1) 0 (0) 0.22
History of HDHTDM, n (%) 177 (34) 25 (38) 0.49 190 (39) 56 (48) 0.09
History of bronchiectasis, n (%) 87 (17) 14 (22) 0.38 94 (19) 29 (25) 0.20
Pulmonary function
 FEV1, %pred 104 (15) 103 (16) 0.71 87 (17) 79 (15) <0.001
 FEV1/FVC, % 77 (4.6) 76 (4.6) 0.08 63 (6.5) 61 (6.5) 0.01
 RV/TLC, % 37 (7.4) 38 (7.8) 0.39 42 (9.8) 43 (9.1) 0.15
 DLCO, %pred 115 (22) 106 (23) 0.003 105 (24) 95 (25) <0.001
 BDR FEV1, % 3.5 (5.8) 4.1 (7.7) 0.43 8.1 (9.1) 6.7 (10) 0.16
 BDR responder, n (%) 52 (10) 8.0 (12) 0.52 166 (34) 33 (28) 0.27
LAA856, % 20 (16) 21 (17) 0.49 30 (18) 27 (16) 0.05
LAA950, % 3.0 (3.1) 3.1 (2.4) 0.70 5.5 (5.0) 4.9 (4.2) 0.22
TAC, n 218 (69) 231 (81) 0.14 174 (62) 176 (70) 0.80
Pi10, mm 3.9 (0.14) 3.9 (0.13) 0.28 3.9 (0.14) 3.9 (0.10) 0.74
Inner area, mm2 12 (4.0) 13 (3.7) 0.14 10 (3.0) 10 (3.0) 0.72
Wall area per cent, % 62 (2.9) 62 (2.6) 0.74 64 (2.9) 64 (2.9) 0.50
DPM fSAD, % 39 (17) 38 (15) 0.45 45 (15) 45 (15) 0.70
PRM fSAD, % 16 (13) 19 (14) 0.40 30 (17) 23 (12) 0.03

BDR, bronchodilator response; BMI, body mass index; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DLCO, diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide; DPM, disease probability measure; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; fSAD, functional small airway disease; FVC, forced vital capacity; HDHTDM, heart disease, systemic hypertension or diabetes mellitus; LAA856, low attenuation area of the lung with attenuation values below−856 HU; %pred, per cent predicted; PRM, parametric response mapping; RV, residual volume; TAC, total airway count; TLC, total lung capacity.