Fig. 6.
The between-within (spatial–temporal) effect of air pollution on individuals’ self-reported health by ethnicity and country of birth at the LSOAs level (N = 404,264 observations from 67,982 individuals). ORs and 95%CIs are expressed in terms of 10 µg/m3 increase in the air pollutants. The dashed line is placed at OR = 1 as a cut-off for statistically insignificant results; The solid line separates between the air pollution-ethnicity interaction models and the air pollution-country of birth interaction models; Air pollution-ethnicity interaction models where the reference category is “British-white” are adjusted for country of birth, age, gender, marital status, education, occupation, housing tenure, subjective financial situation, smoking status, year dummies (2009 to 2019), and LSOAs population density; Air pollution-country of birth interaction models where the reference category is “born in UK” are adjusted for ethnicity, age, gender, marital status, education, occupation, housing tenure, subjective financial situation, smoking status, year dummies (2009 to 2019), and LSOAs population density