Figure 4. Ideogram comparison of autosomal SNV recall at 8X for PacBio HiFi.
a) PacBio HiFi (8X) read-based recall of HG002 SNVs against GIAB truth sets. A bar over a chromosome depicts a 1 Mbp window where there was >90% SNV recall for Clair3 (green) and DeepVariant (orange) with all regions where SNV were called in black. b) PacBio HiFi (8X) assembly-based recall of HG002 GIAB SNV truth set using PAV. There are fewer 1 Mbp windows with >90% recall irrespective of assembly algorithm including hifiasm-trio (yellow), PGAS (blue), or hifiasm (gray). The black bar under the chromosome represents 1 Mbp windows with SNVs in the truth set.