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[Preprint]. 2023 May 2:2023.05.01.23288883. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.05.01.23288883

Figure 5. TGF-β activity is independently associated with outcome following RT.

Figure 5.

(A-B) Gene expression on biopsies (n=56 which excludes biopsies targeted to seminal vesicles) sampled from 38 MRI lesions were correlated with those lesions’ pretreatment (A) or posttreatment (B) volumes using a linear mixed-effect ranked-outcome model. All genes with unadjusted correlation P values less than 0.05 were analyzed with Ingenuity Pathway Analysis using the Upstream Regulator module. The top 20 activated upstream regulators are shown. (C) Schematic for building a prostate cancer-specific TGF-β activation signature using HPS-19I stromal cells with and without co-culture of LNCaP epithelial cells, ± TGF-β stimulation, ± TGF-β receptor inhibition (SD-208). (D-E) Receiver operating characteristic curves for the prostate cancer-specific TGF-β signature to distinguish BCR from NED cases in the NCI EBRT (D) and University of Miami (E) cohorts when applied to the pre-selected biopsy core from each case.