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. 2022 Oct 25;20(4):368–377. doi: 10.1176/appi.focus.20220052


Naturalistic course of narcissistic personality disorder

Study Age Gender (male %: female %) Design/N Length (years) Outcome
Plakun, 1989 (76) Mean=24.5, SD=7.7 48:52 Retrospective/17 13.6 Poor functioning, poor romantic relationships
McGlashan and Neinssen, 1989 (77) 16–55 42:58 Retrospective/12 15 Improvement similar to borderline personality disorder, more co-occurring alcohol use disorder, suicidality
Stone, 1989 (78) 13–39 71:29 Retrospective/20 16 Improvement similar to borderline personality disorder; NPD+antisocial personality disorder worse overall outcome
Ronningstam et al., 1995 (79) 22–45 85:15 Prospective/20 3 NPD categorical diagnosis: Reduction in NPD by 60%
Vater et al., 2014 (80) Mean=34.8, SD=10.15 42.5:57.5 Prospective/40 2 NPD categorical diagnosis: 53% remission rate; NPD dimensional diagnosis: stable course
Durbin and Klein, 2006 (81) 18–60 27.5:72.5 Prospective/142 10 NPD dimensional diagnosis: stable course
Hopwood et al., 2013 (82) 18–45 38:62 Prospective/266 10 NPD dimensional diagnosis: 24% stability
Lenzenweger, 1999 (83) 18–22 53:47 Prospective/258 3 NPD dimensional diagnosis: 46%–64% stability