(A). Key steps in MALDI-IHC. Photocleavable Mass-Tag (PC-MT) labeled probes, including antibodies and lectins, are used for high-plex tissue imaging. An additional initial step (not shown) can be performed prior to MALDI-IHC to image endogenous small molecules such as metabolites and drugs (See main text for details). (B). Schematic of a dual-labeled Miralys™ antibody probe with a photocleavable peptide mass-tag and fluorophore conjugated to the antibody. Note the diagram does not reflect the actual attachment sites of the peptide mass-tag or fluorophores, or the actual number of tags conjugated to the antibody. (C). Example MALDI-IHC workflow. Both FFPE and FF tissue samples can be imaged using MALDI-IHC. Staining utilizes Miralys™ probes which are photocleaved prior to matrix deposition, MALDI-MSI and analysis. Up to 10 slides can be automatically stained in 10 h using the AmberGen automated stainer. At 40 µm resolution a 1 cm2 tissue specimen can be imaged on a Bruker rapifleX or timsTOF fleX instrument in less than 1 h.