Figure 4.
Main experiment: ccEP time courses extracted from right M1. These group-level responses were recorded in the runs in which spTMS was delivered to the left M1. (Left) The group-level nonnormalized time courses for the 14-millisecond, 9-millisecond, and 4-millisecond ccPAS asynchronies. After an initial TMS pulse artifact at approximately 0 to 4 milliseconds, there were well-defined evoked response components at approximately 5 to 10 milliseconds and longer-lasting deflections up to approximately 20 milliseconds, here most clearly seen in the 14-millisecond asynchrony data. Therefore, for statistical analysis, AUC values were extracted from the 5-to 20-millisecond time window for all conditions. (Right) The corresponding results for 5-to 20-millisecond AUC values (mean with SEM error bars). Consistent with STDP mechanisms, there were significant (≤ 0.05) differences between the Asynchrony conditions (black vertical bars with stars) in addition to changes from Before PAS to the After[1]/After[2] PAS time points for the 14- and 4-millisecond asynchronies (colored horizontal bars with stars), and the changes occurred in the predicted directions. When comparing the time courses (three leftmost panels) with the AUC results (rightmost panel), note that the group-level time courses were averaged across subjects without normalization, whereas in the AUC analysis, the individual values were normalized relative to each subject’s Before values. [Color figure can be viewed at]