Figure 3. Transcriptionally and/or translationally active HIV-1-infected cells following ART initiation.
Changes in HIV-1-infected cells during the first 30 days of ART among the four groups shown as median (error bars represent interquartile ranges) number of CD3+CD8− T cells expressing Gag p24 protein/106 CD4+ T cells (a, ART n=7, ART+3BNC117 n=9, ART+RMD n=9, ART+3BNC117+RMD n=10). Effect of 3BNC117 on transcriptionally and/or translationally HIV-1-infected cells from baseline to day 10 – the first decay phase defined in Figure 2c (b-e). The schematic illustration shows how data was combined from the ART only and ART+RMD groups (who only received ART during the first 10 days) compared to the two 3BNC117-treated groups (b). Median (IQR) fold change in CD3+CD8− T cells expressing either HIV-1 mRNA (c; ART n=8, ART+3BNC117 n=10), mRNA and p24 (d; ART n=8, ART+3BNC117 n=10), or p24 (e; ART n=15, ART+3BNC117 n=18) among the combined ART and ART+3BNC117 groups, and with the ART+3BNC117 group categorized according to 3BNC117-sensitivity (sensitive n=10 versus resistant n=8) (e). Due to a faulty mRNA probe in the 2nd batch of fluorescence in situ hybridization-flow cytometry analyses, mRNA data was only available for half of the study population (c-d). The schematic illustration shows how we analyzed the pre- to post-infusion effect of RMD on the translationally active HIV-1-infected cells (f). Individual and overall median fold change (gray column) from pre- to post-RMD infusions [overall median (IQR) for RMD1 1.78 (0.61-3.09), RMD2 1.00 (0.68-2.09), and RMD3 1.03 (0.56-1.70)] in groups ART+RMD (n=8) and ART+3BNC117+RMD (n=10) on CD3+CD8− T cells expressing p24 (g). P values comparing within group and between groups were calculated using paired two-tailed Wilcoxon test and two-tailed Mann-Whitney test, respectively.
ART, antiretroviral therapy; IQR, interquartile ranges; RMD, romidepsin.