Figure 1.
Fibrostenotic areas of CD patients are hallmarked by the expression of genes associated with extracellular matrix remodeling and inflammation. (A) Experimental setup shows the collection of endoscopic samples from areas of stenosis and unaffected colon during routine endoscopy of 8 different CD patients. (B) Representative endoscopy pictures from a stenotic area and from normal colon of the same CD patient is shown. (C–G) Bulk RNA-sequencing was performed of samples collected as shown in (A). (C) Heatmap of gene expression with DEGs (p adj < 0.01, |log2fc| >1.5) is shown. (D) Log2 fold change of all genes encoding collagen chains that match the criteria p adj < 0.05 and |log2fc| >2 are shown. (E) 20 significantly differentially expressed genes (p adj < 0.05) with the highest downregulation and upregulation between non-stenotic and stenotic tissue of CD patients are shown. (F, G) Differentially upregulated (F) and downregulated (G) genes (p adj < 0.05, |log2fc| >1) were used for gene ontology analysis by DAVID. P-values include Benjamini-Hochberg correction.