Self‐assembling behavior of drug delivery system. (A) Self‐assembling morphology of R‐R4C, R‐R4F, R‐R4P and R‐R4C‐D obtained by TEM imaging. (The same final product was obtained after Pα‐R4C and Pβ‐R4C cleavage, thus, two TEM images of R‐R4C is corresponded to the morphology of R‐R4C obtained by Pα‐R4C, Pβ‐R4C cleavage.) Nanofibers were indicated with yellow triangles. (B) The CD spectra of predesigned molecules (Pβ‐R4C, Pα‐R4C, Pβ‐R4F, Pβ‐R4P, Pβ‐R4C‐D) and its assembling residues (R‐R4C, R‐R4F, R‐R4P, and R‐R4C‐D). (C) FTIR spectra of predesigned molecules (Pβ‐R4C, Pα‐R4C, Pβ‐R4F, Pβ‐R4P, Pβ‐R4C‐D) and its assembling residues (R‐R4C, R‐R4F, R‐R4P, and R‐R4C‐D). (D) The calculated %SASA of predesigned molecules (Pβ‐R4C, Pα‐R4C, Pβ‐R4F, Pβ‐R4P, Pβ‐R4C‐D) and its assembling residues (R‐R4C, R‐R4F, R‐R4P, and R‐R4C‐D)