Suppressing SCS macrophages improves the delivery of nanovaccines to lymph node follicles for robust humoral immunity. (A) Scheme for improving the delivery of OVA‐AuNPs nanovaccines to follicular dendritic cells by suppression of SCS macrophage phagocytosis for robust humoral immune responses. Germinal center B cells (GC B cells). (B) Representative TEM images and the magnified TEM images of SCS macrophages after pre‐treatment of macrophage inhibitors for 24 h and intradermal footpad administration of OVA‐AuNPs nanovaccines. SCS macrophages are shown in green, and lymphatic endothelial cells are shown in brown. (C) Histological images showing the accumulation of OVA‐AuNPs nanovaccines in follicles 48 h after intradermal footpad administration. The mice were pre‐treated with macrophage inhibitors for 24 h prior to nanovaccine injection. (D) Production of OVA‐specific antibodies after injection of macrophage inhibitors and OVA‐AuNP nanovaccines. CL‐lipo, clodronate liposomes, are able to remove macrophages. Reproduced with permission.[ 124 ] Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society.