Fig. 4.
Pre- and Post-treatment effects in Low and High Responder groups among PTSD + participants. There was a 4-way interaction between Treatment × Block × CS type × Responder status. Panels (A) and (B) show separate analyses in each Responder group (Low and High Responders). (A) In the Low Responders, there was a significant main effect of Block but not CS type or Treatment. (B) In the High Responders, we observed main effects of Treatment and Block. The Habituation and Late Acquisition phases were not affected by treatment, however, FPS to the previously reinforced CS+ was lower at Early and Late Extinction Training (EXT). There was also a 3-way interaction of Treatment × CS type × Responder status on extinction Recall. High Responders had lower FPS to both CS’s compared to Low Responders at Post-treatment. In the Low Responders there was a significant CS type effect at Post-treatment, while both CS’s were equally low in the High Responders. * - p < 0.05; ** - p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; Shading indicates the context for extinction training session that occurred 10 min after acquisition, and extinction recall that occurred in the same context 24 h later.