Extended Data Table 1.
List and description of cohorts collected
A list and description of cohorts collected. nParticipants contains the number of participants who completed both the task and survey in this cohort. The columns beginning with “Block” denote the type, parameter, and number of cycles used in that block. “Rest” denotes looking at a fixation cross, and “task” denotes a simple visuomotor task in which a cross moves predictably across the screen and the subject is asked to press a button when it crosses the center line. The number that follows these labels is the time in seconds between mood ratings. “Break” denotes a free period where participants could leave to do anything they chose. “Closed” and “random” denote the closed-loop and random gambling task conditions described in the Methods section. (“open” denotes open-loop gambling not described in this paper; these blocks were not used in analyses). The + or − after the “closed” label indicates whether mood was being manipulated upwards (+) or downwards (−). The number after the * indicates how many cycles of this type were included in the block. Certain cohort names also contain information. The AlternateRating cohort rated their mood with a single button press rather than moving a slider. The Expectation cohorts received opening instructions stating that the upcoming rest period would be up to 7 minutes or 12 minutes. Groups beginning with “Daily” or “Weekly” returned 1 day or 1 week apart to complete a similar task again (e.g., the Daily-Rest-02 cohort is the same participants as Daily-Rest-01, returning to complete the same task one day later). The Adolescent-01 cohort is a group of adolescents recruited in person rather than on Amazon Mechanical Turk.
Opening Rest Cohort | nParticipants | Block 0 | Block 1 | Block 2 | Block 3 |
| |||||
15sRestBetween | 40 | rest15 * 30 | closed+ * 54 | ||
30sRestBetween | 37 | rest30 * 18 | closed+ * 54 | ||
7.5sRestBetween | 38 | rest7.5 * 45 | closed+ * 54 | ||
60sRestBetween | 39 | rest60 * 10 | closed+ * 54 | ||
AlternateRating | 32 | rest15 * 30 | closed+ * 54 | ||
Expectation-7mRest | 64 | rest15 * 18 | random * 22 | closed− * 22 | closed+ * 22 |
Expectation-12mRest | 67 | rest15 * 18 | random * 22 | closed− * 22 | closed+ * 22 |
RestDownUp | 58 | rest15 * 18 | closed− * 33 | closed+ * 33 | |
Daily-Rest-01 | 66 | rest15 * 18 | closed+ * 18 | rest15 * 18 | closed+ * 18 |
Daily-Rest-02 | 53 | rest15 * 18 | closed+ * 18 | rest15 * 18 | closed+ * 18 |
Weekly-Rest-01 | 196 | rest15 * 18 | closed+ * 22 | closed− * 22 | closed+ * 22 |
Weekly-Rest-02 | 164 | rest15 * 18 | open+ * 22 | open− * 22 | open+ * 22 |
Weekly-Rest-03 | 160 | rest15 * 18 | open+ * 22 | open− * 22 | open+ * 22 |
Adolescent-01 | 116 | rest15 * 18 | closed+ * 22 | closed− * 22 | closed+ * 22 |
| |||||
Opening Task Cohort | |||||
| |||||
Visuomotor | 37 | task15 * 30 | closed+ * 54 | ||
Visuomotor-Feedback | 30 | task15 * 30 | closed+ * 54 | ||
| |||||
Opening Gambling Cohort | |||||
| |||||
RestAfterWins | 25 | closed+ * 54 | rest15 * 30 | ||
Daily-Closed-01 | 68 | closed+ * 32 | closed− * 32 | closed+ * 32 | |
Daily-Random-01 | 66 | random * 32 | random * 32 | random * 32 | |
App-Exploratory | 5000 | random * 30 | |||
App-Confirmatory | 21896 | random * 30 | |||
| |||||
Follow-Up Cohorts | |||||
| |||||
BoredomBeforeAndAfter | 150 | rest15 * 18 | closed− * 33 | closed+ * 33 | |
BoredomAfterOnly | 150 | rest15 * 18 | closed− * 33 | closed+ * 33 | |
MwBeforeAndAfter | 150 | rest15 * 18 | closed− * 33 | closed+ * 33 | |
MwAfterOnly | 150 | rest15 * 18 | closed− * 33 | closed+ * 33 | |
Activities | 450 | break420 * 1 | closed− * 33 | closed+ * 33 |