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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2023 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: Nat Hum Behav. 2023 Feb 27;7(4):596–610. doi: 10.1038/s41562-023-01519-7

Extended Data Table 2.

Linear mixed effects (LME) model results

Results of the LME model trained on all naïve online adult and adolescent participants who received opening rest, visuomotor task, or random gambling periods; as produced by the pymer software package. The first column lists each factor in the model as described in the Methods section. Factors beginning with “is” are binary (0 or 1). “Time” is the mood slope parameter we use to quantify mood drift. Mood ratings ranged from 0–1, and time was in minutes. totalWinnings and meanRPE were in points, whose monetary value is unknown to naïve subjects. fracRiskScore was the score on a clinical depression questionnaire divided by a clinical cutoff. Age was in years. Factors preceded by “Time:” indicate the interaction of that parameter and the elapsed time. The next four columns describe the effect size: “Estimate” is the estimated coefficient of each factor in the model, 2.5 and 97.5 ci are the 95 percent confidence interval of the estimate, and SE is its standard error. DF is the degrees of freedom, T-stat is the t statistic, and P-val is the 2-sided p value. All values are rounded to 3 decimal places. The Sig (significance) column contains.

Factor Estimate 2.5_ci 97.5_ci SE DF T-stat P-val Sig

(Intercept) 0.784 0.756 0.812 0.0141 875 55.6 < 10−6 *
Time −0.0189 −0.0226 −0.0153 0.00185 864 −10.3 < 10−6 *
isMale −0.0144 −0.0395 0.0107 0.0128 877 −1.12 0.262
meanIRIOver20 0.000698 −0.000585 0.00198 0.000655 901 1.07 0.287
totalWinnings −0.000332 −0.00435 0.00369 0.00205 898 −0.162 0.872
meanRPE 0.158 −0.0104 0.326 0.0859 898 1.84 0.0662
fracRiskScore −0.186 −0.202 −0.169 0.00828 877 −22.4 < 10−6 *
isAge0to16 −0.0456 −0.108 0.0168 0.0318 879 −1.43 0.152
isAge16to18 −0.0883 −0.144 −0.0325 0.0285 879 −3.1 0.002 *
isAge40to100 −0.00712 −0.0351 0.0208 0.0143 877 −0.5 0.617
Time:isMale 0.00159 −0.00171 0.00488 0.00168 869 0.944 0.345
Time:meanIRIOver20 −0.000103 −0.000267 6.1 * 10−5 8.4 * 10−5 810 −1.23 0.219
Time:totalWinnings −1.9 * 10−5 −0.000566 0.000529 0.00028 1.04 * 103 −0.0664 0.947
Time:meanRPE −0.00743 −0.0304 0.0155 0.0117 1.05 * 103 −0.634 0.526
Time:fracRiskScore 0.00515 0.00303 0.00728 0.00109 869 4.75 2 * 10−6 *
Time:isAge0to16 −0.00144 −0.00967 0.00678 0.0042 895 −0.344 0.731
Time:isAge16to18 0.00869 0.00131 0.0161 0.00376 898 2.31 0.0212 *
Time:isAge40to100 0.00302 −0.000638 0.00668 0.00187 865 1.62 0.106

if p<0.05