a, Experimental design for testing the precision with which addition of JFX608 could be determined relative to timestamps from addition of JF669 (at t = 0) and JF525 (at t = 10 h). b, Low-magnification (left) and magnified (right) images of iPAK4 fibers in HEK cells. Scale bar 100 μm. c, Top: Images of fibers with JFX608 addition at t = 2, 4, 6, and 8 h. Bottom: fluorescence line profiles. Scale bars 10 μm. d, Top: fluorescence profiles of N = 223 fiber ends with JFX608 addition at different timepoints. The profile lengths have been normalized to line up the timestamps at t = 0 and 10 h. Bottom: Mean fluorescence traces in each of the three dye color channels, for all times of JFX608 addition. e, Top: positions of the JFX608 onset as a function of dye addition time. Bottom: standard deviation in the inferred timing of JFX608 addition for each population of fibers. Lower and upper bounds of the box plot: 10th and 90th percentile; lower and upper whiskers: minimum and maximum; squares: mean; center lines: median. All data points are displayed.