Figure 5. Ternary si-NP stability in heparin improves with increasing 50B size and ratio.
(A) si-NP stability was assessed by siRNA encapsulation in the presence of 0 u/mL heparin, (B) 25 U/mL heparin, and (C) 50 U/mL heparin over time (N = 3). (D) Area under the curve of plots of %siRNA encapsulation vs. time were calculated for various heparin concentrations for 50B0, (E) 50B4, (F) 50B8, and (G) 50B12 si-NPs. Hollow, solid, and dashed bars represent 0, 25, and 50 U/mL heparin conditions, respectively. One-way ANOVA analysis with Tukey’s multiple comparison test was used to compare stability differences; * show si-NPs with AUC significantly lower (p < 0.05) from DP150 si-NP within the same heparin condition.