Fig. 4. Validation of the chromosome II QTL through generation of near-isogenic lines.
a Generation of near-isogenic lines (NILs) in the JU1200 background. Diagram showing the original QII QTL interval of ~7.25 Mb on chromosome II, with the dashed vertical line indicating the approximate location of the LOD peak. Two RILs, RIL54 (strain NIC654) and RIL127 (strain NIC727), containing JU751 sequence in QII were backcrossed for 10 generations to JU1200 to produce two NILs (strains NIC1697 and NIC1701). Blue: JU751 genotype, red: JU1200 genotype. b Generation of NILs in the JU751 background. Diagram showing the original QII interval of ~7.25 Mb on chromosome II, with the dashed vertical line indicating the approximate location of the LOD peak of the original QTL. Two RILs, RIL128 (strain NIC728) and RIL71 (strain NIC671), containing JU1200 sequence in QII were backcrossed for 10 generations to JU751 to produce five NILs (strains NIC1671, NIC1672, NIC1673, NIC1675, and NIC1676). Blue: JU751 genotype, red: JU1200 genotype. c PZ size measurements in NILs established in the JU1200 background shown in panel a and the parental isolates. n-values are shown above the x-axis. Data from nine experimental blocks were analysed. d PZ size measurements in NILs established in the JU751 background shown in panel b and the parental isolates. n-values are shown above the x-axis. Data are shown from a single (out of nine) experimental blocks The reduced QII interval was determined by asking whether each NIL showed a significant increase in PZ size as compared to JU751. All NILs except NIC1676 had larger PZs than JU751. Therefore, the region over which the JU1200 segment in these NILs overlap was considered the reduced QTL interval (2.04 Mb). Analyses for data shown in panels c and d was carried out on raw data (PZ area in pixels), and the y-axes were scaled to μm2/1000 for presentation (0.0504 μm2/pixel). Cross bars and error bars represent estimated marginal means ± standard errors derived from generalized linear models. p-values are derived from Tukey-adjusted pairwise contrasts. For data and statistical results, see Supplementary Notes 7 and 8 and the Source Data file.