Versatile application of localized thermal bonding process on fabrication of in vitro cell culture platforms. (a) Nanofiber membrane bonded on the grid: (i) schematic illustration of NF-integrated culture chamber, (ii) camera image of fabricated NF-integrated culture chamber, and (iii) microscopic image of NF membrane near the TP–NF bonding interface. (b) NF membrane bonded on a microfluidic chip: (i) schematic illustration of NF-integrated microfluidic chip, (ii) camera image of fabricated NF-integrated PMMA microfluidic chip, and (iii) microscopic image of NF membrane near channel and free-standing region. (c) NF bonding on surface by stamping: (i) schematic illustration of NF membrane bonding by stamping and bonded NF membrane on PS surface in shapes of (ii) triangle, (iii) square, and (iv) star. (d) 3D microwell-shaped nanofiber membrane bonded on a culture insert: (i) schematic illustration of 3D NF microwell-integrated culture insert and its (ii) camera image and (iii) microscopic and SEM images.