Fig. 6.
Fingerprints and leading noise modes in CMIP6 simulations. Results are for four different spatial domains: TROP, MSU, SSU, and SSU+MSU (rows 1 to 4, respectively). These domains comprise the two tropospheric layers, the three MSU layers, the three SSU layers, and the six MSU+SSU layers. The fingerprint (Left column) is the first empirical orthogonal function (EOF) of the multimodel average atmospheric temperature changes computed from 32 HISText realizations performed with nine different CMIP6 models. The first two noise EOFs (Middle and Right columns) were calculated from 4,050 y of concatenated preindustrial control run data generated with the same nine models. In estimating fingerprints and noise EOFs, global-mean temperature changes were retained for each of the six atmospheric layers considered. The dotted horizontal gray lines are plotted at the approximate peaks of the three SSU and three MSU weighting functions. SI Appendix for further details.