Comparison of photographs taken of apparent Ivory‐billed Woodpeckers in Louisiana from this study (a, d), with a colorized Ivory‐billed Woodpecker, also from Louisiana, but taken by Arthur A. Allen in 1935 (b), and a Pale‐billed Woodpecker (Campephilus guatemalensis) taken in Central America (c), also from the Allen Collection. Birds in all photos share the characteristic posture imposed by the unique structure of the Campephilus leg and feet. Feet are held to the side of the body and are directed diagonally upward and sidewise, with both feet wide apart and forward. The angle between the tarsi and the horizontal plane is ≤45° and there is an obtuse angle of the intertarsal joint. Photos (b) and (c) are from the James T. Tanner, and the Arthur A. Allen papers, respectively, courtesy Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.