A: no differences in NGF mRNA were observed by qPCR. B: decreased mNGF immunoreactivity at 13 kDa in MCI/AD brains. C: increased proNGF immunoreactivity at 27 kDa in HA-NCI/MCI/AD brains. D: increased proNGF immunoreactivity at 41 kDa in HA-NCI/MCI/AD brains. E: frontal cortex plasminogen mRNA does not differ between LA-NCI, HA-NCI, MCI, and AD. F: Plasminogen protein is elevated in frontal cortex homogenates from HA-NCI, MCI, and AD individuals versus those from LA-NCI individuals. G: tPA mRNA in frontal cortex homogenates is decreased in HA-NCI and unchanged in MCI and AD versus LA-NCI. H: tPA protein is likewise solely decreased in HA-NCI vs. LA-NCI. I: neuroserpin mRNA is increased in frontal cortex homogenates in AD and MCI versus LA-NCI. J: levels of neuroserpin protein are higher in frontal cortex homogenates from individuals diagnosed with MCI/AD. Representative Western blots are shown for NGF at 13 kDa, proNGF at 27 and 41 kDa, plasminogen at 92 kDa, and neuroserpin at 45 kDa with 37 kDa GAPDH as the reference protein. Groups were LA-NCI; n = 43, HA-NCI; n = 16, MCI; n = 20, or AD; n = 19. All comparisons performed with a one-way ANOVA and Bonferroni post-hoc tests or a Kruskal-Wallace test and Dunn’s post-hoc tests. All bars indicate mean + SEM.