Overview of HML8 time of integration among primates.
(A) Dynamics of acquisition of HML8 group members by primate species based on comparative genomics of each HML8 integration. Each HML8 locus is reported based on the first primate (among the ones with available genome assembly) in which it was found. Nodes indicate estimated period of evolutionary split of each primate species. (B) Period of distribution of HML8 members according to the subgroup of belonging: age estimates (in mya) are based on a multiple approach of divergence calculation integrated with the above comparative genomics search. p-values are calculated applying the independent two-tailed t-test. The x axis reports the time of evolutionary divergence of the considered primate's species: for instance, the lineages originating Rhesus and Gibbon species had diverged around 30 mya, the lineages originating Gibbon and Orangutan species had diverged around 20 mya, and so on.