Induced IL-10 expression and IRF3-ISRE promoter activity in RAW cells is IRF3 dependent. 2 × 105 IRF3KO RAW Lucia cells were incubated overnight in 24-well plates and then cells were transfected with 0.5 μg per well pEGFP Empty vector or pIRF3 expression vector. After 24 h cells were stimulated with 10 μg/ml poly I:C (IC) with or without 20 ng/ml IFN-gamma (IFN-g). After 24 h of stimulation, IRF3-ISRE promoter activity was assessed with secreted luciferase (A), NO assessed with Griess assay (B), and IL-6 (C) or IL-10 (D) assessed by ELISA. For A, n=3 for each condition of an experiment, which was repeated n=3 and for B-F, n=4. Data are means ± standard error and were analyzed by Student t test; * indicates significantly different from pEGFP controls, p≤ 0.05.