Figure 2.
(A) Rarefaction plot for 52 samples of V3 to V4 region at a depth of 24,000. The image was plotted against the number of sequences per sample on the X-axis versus diversity index on Y-axis. The samples are colored by their respective names. As the sequencing depth increased, the number of observed species (OTUs) also increased. Eventually, the curves began to plateau, indicating that as the number of extracted sequences increased, the number of OTUs detected decreased; Box plot representing alpha diversity measured by (B) Shannon, (C) Chao1, (D) Simpson for the Placebo and Active. The line inside the box represents the median, while the whiskers represent the lowest and highest values within the 1.5 interquartile range (IQR); (E and F) The dots represent outliers principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) plots of the active (n = 12), versus placebo group (n = 14) specific taxa with significant (P < .05). PCoA plots of (E) weighted and (F) unweighted Unifrac distance matrices. Axis title indicates percentage variation. OTUs = operational taxonomic units.