Figure 4.
UBE2C decreases survival and mediates leptomeningeal dissemination driving an aggressive disease phenotype in vivo. (A) Intracranial injection of NSG mice (n=8/group) with MDA cell line, control and OE UBE2C; (B) and the survival analysis of both groups, *p-value=0.05, Kaplan-Meier test. (C) Representative images ofthewhole-body bioluminescence imaging of control and OE UBE2C mice at day 9 post-injection, and (D) quantification of the average radiance signal in the spine; *p-value=0.03, Mann-Whitney test. Data represented as median with interquartile range. (E) Spine leptomeningeal dissemination in animals injected with control and OE UBE2C cells. Histopathological score used to assess the leptomeningeal dissemination: 0- negative; 1- mild; 2- moderate; 3- marked. (F) CNS sections analyzed by histopathology, and (G) representative images of these sections with H&E staining (5x; scale bar: 250 μm) from mice injected with control and OE UBE2C cells. Black arrows indicate leptomeningeal dissemination. The Figure was partly generated using Servier Medical Art, provided by Servier, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported license (