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. 2020 Jul 3;24(7):1741–1752. doi: 10.1017/S1368980020001287

Table 2.

Descriptive statistics for baseline participant characteristics by analytic sample and walnut consumption group

Walnut consumption group
Total sample None Low Moderate
Continuous measures n Mean sd n Mean sd n Mean sd n Mean sd F P
Age 3632 74·3 6·8 1161 74·9a 7·2 1993 73·9b 6·4 478 74·0ab 6·8 7·2 0·001
Household income* 3632 63·4 84·8 1161 52·0 57·4 1993 67·1a 76·1 478 75·7 149·12 18·9 <0·001
Household assets 3632 540·9 97·9 1161 396·5 837·3 1993 575·2a 989·1 478 752·0a 1199·1 23·6 <0·001
Chronic conditions 3395 2·2 1·2 1090 2·3a 1·2 1856 2·2a 1·2 449 2·0 1·2 14·6 <0·001
Mobility limitations 3206 2·9 2·9 1001 3·5 3·1 1788 2·7 2·8 417 2·3 2·5 35·5 <0·001
Categorical measures n % n % n % n % χ 2 P
 Female 2150 57·08 664 54·79 1187 56·96 299 63·17 7·8 0·021
 Male 1482 42·92 497 45·21 806 43·04 179 36·83
 White 2914 83·78 883 80·37 1639 85·39 392 85·44 15·3 0·018
 Black 396 7·72 166 10·40 190 6·65 40 5·60
 Hispanic 256 6·39 86 6·55 134 6·28 36 6·45
 Other 65 2·05 25 2·48 30 1·68 10 2·51
Marital status
 Married/partnered 2265 60·10 688 57·63 1288 61·88 289 58·81 4·0 0·135
 Unmarried/widowed 1367 39·90 473 42·37 705 38·12 189 41·19
Retirement status
 Retired 2607 69·27 840 70·62 1431 69·00 336 67·07 1·5 0·480
 Not retired 1017 30·73 319 29·38 557 31·00 141 32·93
 <HS degree 649 17·35 271 22·53 323 15·97 55 10·44 36·3 <0·001
 HS degree 1315 35·21 421 35·03 730 35·99 164 32·40
 >HS degree 1668 47·44 469 42·44 940 48·04 259 57·16
Occupational tenure
 White-collar 2051 56·15 557 47·38 1173 58·25 321 68·88 52·5 <0·001
 Blue-collar 1124 31·56 430 38·16 584 30·12 110 21·38
 Homemaker 86 2·41 33 2·90 45 2·31 8 1·68
 Other 372 9·91 141 11·57 192 9·38 39 8·06
 Underweight 51 1·68 23 2·46 22 1·27 6 1·46 18·1 0·006
 Normal 1051 30·41 332 29·90 537 28·71 182 38·76
 Overweight 1382 37·76 436 37·82 776 38·34 170 35·21
 Obese 1114 30·15 358 29·81 642 31·68 114 24·57
Vigorous activity
 None 2052 57·40 755 66·35 1104 55·85 193 41·94 83·0 <0·001
 Some 672 18·52 185 16·17 389 19·80 98 18·99
 Regular 897 24·08 216 17·48 497 24·35 184 39·07
Smoking status
 Current smoker 276 9·53 119 12·90 141 9·03 16 3·33 24·2 <0·001
 Non-smoker 3332 90·47 1037 87·10 1837 90·97 458 96·67
Alcohol consumption
 None 2344 63·87 815 69·78 1274 62·79 255 53·80 30·9 <0·001
 Moderate 1104 31·14 286 25·11 625 32·68 193 39·53
 Heavy 169 5·00 55 5·11 87 4·53 27 6·67

Mean and sd reported for non-log-transformed household income and assets, statistical tests based on log-transformed household income and assets. Mean and sd for household income and assets reported in $1000s.

Observed cell frequency significantly greater than expected.

Observed cell frequency significantly less than expected.

a–bMean values within row with unlike superscript letters were significantly different. α level for statistical significance identified with Bonferroni correction.

All estimates and statistical tests excluding sd account for complex survey design.