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. 2023 May 18;14:92. doi: 10.1186/s13244-023-01443-4

Table 3.

Characteristics of the examiners, ultrasonographic imaging (USI) systems, and inter-recti distance (IRD) measurement methods in 49 study protocols

Examiner’s profession and experience Ultrasonographic scanner and transducer IRD measurement site Use of cutoff values for “normal” IRD or DRA Number of images per site Methods of image processing and measurement

Abuín-Porras 2019

(Spain) [42]

PT with USI experience LOGIQ S7, XDclear, GE Healthcare; Little Chalfont, UK; 10- to 13-MHz linear probe, 55 mm; B-mode just under the navel Not applicable Mean IRD of 3 images

Offline measurement with ImageJ software

(Research Services Branch, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA)

Arranz-Martín 2022 (Spain/ Canada) [74] A women’s health PT with > 5 yr of experience in abdominal and perineal USI

Mindray 7; 12-MHz 30-mm linear probe (Mindray L14-6NS,

Shenzhen, China); B- mode

2 cm below and above the navel center, the midpoint between the navel center and xiphoid Not applicable; LA distortion assessment Mean IRD of 2 images per site and task measurement with digital caliper
Balasch-Bernat 2021 (Spain) [56] Two PTs with 10 yr of clinical experience in women’s health and rehabilitative USI Samsung HS30, (Samsung Medison co., LTD, Gangwon-do, Korea); linear probe LN 5–12; B-mode; panoramic mode* 2 cm above the superior navel border and 2 cm below the inferior navel border Not applicable Mean IRD of 3 images per site and task Not specified

Barbosa 2013

(Brazil) [60]

Not specified Medison SonoAce 8000, Korea; 5- to 7-MHz linear probe 3, 6, 9, 12 cm above the navel Not applicable Not specified Not specified

Beamish 2019

(Canada) [8]

PT with postgraduate training, > 400-h experience in B-mode USI of the abdominal muscles (two PT students after 10-h training and 10-h practice made offline measurements, intrarater reliability: ICC = 0.96–0.98, interrater reliability: ICC = 0.94–0.95 SuperSonic Aixplorer UltraFast (SuperSonic Imagine, Aix-en-Provence, France); 10-MHz linear probe (SL15-4); B-mode; shearwave elastography 3 and 5 cm above and at the superior navel border DRA = IRD > 22 mm at 3 cm above the umbilicus, DRA = mean IRD > 22 mm across 3 sites; LA stiffness and distortion assessment Mean IRD of 3 images per site and task Video and image capturing; image processing with the SuperSonic Aixplorer software



(Brazil) [61]

Examiner who was previously trained Philips HD3xe; 5- to 9-MHz linear probe 3 cm above, 2 cm below, and at the navel DRA = IRD > 22 mm at 3 cm above, > 16 mm at 2 cm below, and > 20 mm at the navel mean IRD of 3 images Not specified



(Australia) [67]

PT after a 2-h ultrasonography training session by an experienced sonographer; 16 h of practice in USI of IRD GE Voluson I; 3- to 8-MHz linear probe, 38.1 mm (9 L)

4.5 cm above and at the upper border of the navel,

4.5 cm below and at the lower border of the navel

DRA = IRD > 22 mm;  ≥ 2 fingers width 2 images Offline measurement
Castellanos-López 2022 (Spain) [57] An expert in USI with several specialization courses and 5 yr of experience


Healthcare, Chicago, IL, USA); 6- to 13-MHz linear probe, B-mode

Same as Chiarello (2013) [62] Not applicable Not specified Not specified



(USA) [62]

Examiner with advanced training and 7 yr of clinical USI use; intrarater within-session reliability: ICC = 0.90–0.98 LOGIQ Book XP, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI; 5- MHz curvilinear probe; B-mode 4.5 cm above and below the navel midpoint Not applicable Not specified On-screen measurement

Chiarello 2016

(USA) [9]

same as Chiarello (2013) [59] same as Chiarello (2013) [62] Same as Chiarello (2013) [62] Not applicable Not specified Same as Chiarello (2013) [62]

Coldron 2008

(UK) [16]

Not specified SSD, Aloka Co. Ltd., Mitaka-shi, Tokyo, Japan; 5-MHz linear probe (11-cm footprint) Bottom transducer edge placed just cephalad to the navel Not applicable Mean IRD of 2 images Offline measurement with on-screen calipers using USICA software, Dept. of Medical Physics, St. George’s Hospital, London



(Italy) [10]

Two operators with 33 and

13 yr of experience with USI, respectively. The operators had specific training in evaluating DRA

Voluson E8, GE Healthcare, and RS85 Samsung Healthcare;

broadband probes, typically 10-MHz; for DRA > 4 cm: trapezoid, DRA > 5 cm: extended field of view*

3 cm above and below the navel

(entire midline checked to identify the DRA pattern)

DRA = IRD > 20 mm at rest;

DRA patterns: only above or below the navel, at the navel level, along the entire midline but wider above or below the navel

Mean IRD of 3 images per site not specified

Crommert 2021

(Sweden) [68]

Not specified LOGIQ-e R7, GE, Boston, MA; 12-MHz linear probe, 47 mm; B-mode; panoramic function* 4.5 cm above the navel center increased IRD = IRD ≥ 2 fingers width Mean IRD of 3 images Offline analysis with custom-written script in MATLAB (MATLAB R2019a, MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA)

Da Cuña-Carrera 2021

(Spain) [11]

PT with knowledge of USI and experience in IRD measurement

SonoSite M-Turbo;

5- to 10-Mz linear probe; B-mode

Just above the navel (U point), halfway between the U point and xiphoid Not applicable Not specified Frozen image on-screen measurement with transversal caliper
Depledge 2021 (New Zealand) [64] PT experienced in USI, participated in a reliability study on IRD measurement with USI, ICC > 0.91 (Iwan, 2014 [44]) Philips iU22; 4- to 12-MHz linear or 4- to 9-MHz curvilinear probe (Philips Med. Syst. Co., Eindhoven, NL); B-mode Same as Mota (2012) [49] DRA = IRD > 2 fingers width Mean IRD of 2 images Not specified

Eisenberg 2021

(Israel) [27]

A physician specializing in gynecological USI Voluson 730, GE Medical Systems, Zipf, Austria; probe not specified Upper margin of the navel, 3 cm above, and 2 cm below the navel DRA = IRD ≥ 22 mm at 3 cm above the navel, ≥ 20 mm at the upper margin of the navel, and/or ≥ 16 mm at 2 cm below the navel Not specified

ARCHIVED data sets were analyzed using the proprietary software

4-D VIEW (GE Medical Systems)



(Italy and Canada) [12]

PT with 5-yr experience in musculoskeletal USI Esaote MyLab Seven (Esaote SpA, Genova, Italy); 6- to 18-MHz linear probe, 37 mm 2 cm above the navel Not applicable Not specified Not specified
Q PT with specific training in image capturing and measuring IRD LOGIQ-e, GE; 4- to 12-MHz linear probe, 39 mm; B-mode 2 cm below the navel center DRA = IRD > 16 mm at 2 cm below the navel center Not specified Images exported in DICOM format, processing as by Mota (2012)

Gillard 2018

(UK) [63]

PT, > 12mo of experience in USI, training on a national medical US society program; within- and between-session intrarater reliability: ICC = 0.90–0.99 Mindray DP50; 5-MHz linear probe, 53 mm (75L53 EA); B-mode One-third of the xiphoid-navel distance, just superior to the navel, half of the navel-pubis distance Not applicable Mean IRD of 2 images per site and postural position Offline measurement on JPEG images with bespoke MATLAB image processing software (ver. 7.1)

Gluppe 2020

(Norway) [13]

PT after specific training in USI of the pelvic floor and abdomen LOGIQ-e R7, GE Healthcare; 5- to 13-MHz wideband linear probe, (GE > 12L-RS); panoramic mode* 2 cm above and below the navel center DRA = IRD ≥ 2 fingers width, protrusion during curl-up; IRD ˃ 25 mm at 2 cm above/below navel 1 image per site and condition Offline analysis with software program (MicroDicom)
He 2021 (China) [65] A senior radiologist with 10 yr of experience in abdominal and musculoskeletal USI Aixplorer; linear probe (SL10-2), Supersonic Imagine, FR); B-mode Subxiphoidal, epigastric, umbilical, infraumbilical, suprapubic (International Endohernia Society, Reinpold, 2019 [24]) DRA = IRD ≥ 2 fingers width (in crook lying, arms crossed over the chest); DRA patterns: same as Corvino (2019) [10] Not specified Measurements with an on-screen caliper

Hills 2018a

(Canada) [53]

PT with postgraduate training in musculoskeletal USI and > 50 h of experience in USI of the abdominal muscles Voluson-i (GE Healthcare, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada); 10-MHz linear probe, 53 mm (9L-RS); B-mode; trapezoid mode* 3 and 5 cm above the navel DRA = IRD > 20 mm 2 images per probe position and task Offline measurement using Image J, version 1.46r (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA)

Hills 2018b

(Canada) [17]

PT with postgraduate training in musculoskeletal USI, > 100 h of experience in USI of the abdominal muscles Same as Hills (2018a) [53] Superior navel border; 3 and 5 cm above the navel DRA = IRD > 22 mm at 3 cm above navel and at least one other site; mean IRD of 3 sites > 20 mm Mean IRD of 3 images per site As by Hills (2018a) [53]



(New Zealand) [47]

PT, 8-yr practice in USI and 4th-yr PT student after 2- × 2-h training in USI of the abdominal anatomy and IRD measurement; intrarater reliability: within-session: ICC = 0.91–0.98 for PT, ICC = 0.89–0.98 for PT student; between-session: ICC = 0.79–0.98 for PT, ICC =  − 0.51 to 0.88 for PT students Low resolution: Chison 8300 Deluxe (Chison Medical Imaging Co. Ltd., China), 7.5-MHz linear probe; high-resolution: Phillips iU22 (Royal Philips Electronics, the Netherlands), 12.5-MHz linear probe 2 cm above and below the navel Not applicable 2 images per condition per researcher Measurement using the digital caliper setting on the USI unit



(Canada) [48]

PT after 16 h of formal training on musculoskeletal USI; > 100 h of clinical USI experience; trained on IRD measurement by a USI expert; intrarater between-session reliability: ICC = 0.95–0.99

Voluson i (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI), 3- to 10-MHz linear probe; MyLab Five (Esaote SpA, Genoa, IT), 4- to 13-MHz linear probe;

acoustic standoff pad 2 × 4 cm (ATS Lab., Inc., Bridgeport, CT)*

5 and 3 cm above and at the superior border of the navel,

3 cm below the inferior border of the navel

DRA = IRD ≥ 2 fingers width at the navel (in hook lying, neck flexed) Mean IRD of 5 images per site and condition Offline measurement using ImageJ (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD) and software with the MyLab Five system (Esaote SpA)

Keshwani 2015b

(Canada) [54]

Investigator after 16 h of formal training in USI of the abdominal muscles and > 200 h of experience in IRD evaluation with USI; 20 h of experience in extended field-of-view use; between-trial reliability for conventional, standoff pad, and panoramic techniques: ICC = 0.98–0.99

LOGIQ-e, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI; 4- to 13-MHz linear probe, 12.7 × 47.1 mm;

B-mode; acoustic standoff pad (15 × 10 × 2 cm), ATS Lab., Bridgeport, CT; panoramic mode

Superior umbilical border Not applicable Mean IRD of 5 images per each method Offline measurement using ImageJ Version 1.48, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

Keshwani 2016

(Canada) [55]

Two PTs after a 16-h course in USI. Rater 1: > 100 USI evaluations of IRD; Rater 2: 10 h of training from Rater 1; interrater reliability: ICC = 0.63–0.96 Voluson i, GE Healthcare, Chalfont St. Giles, UK; 3- to 10-MHz linear probe; B-mode; acoustic standoff pad 2 × 4 cm, ATS Lab., Bridgeport, CT* Same as Keshwani (2015a) [48] Not applicable Mean IRD of 5 images per site, task, and rater (mean of at least 2 images in case of poor image quality)

Offline measurement using ImageJ, National Institutes

of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA

Keshwani 2018

(Canada) [20]

Registered sonographer with specific training in the measurement approach LOGIQ-e, GE, Buckinghamshire, UK; 5- to 13-MHz linear probe; B-mode; panoramic mode* Same as Keshwani (2015a) [48] DRA = IRD ≥ 2 fingers width at all sites (in crook lying, head lifted off pillow) Mean IRD of 5 images in each site Not specified

Keshwani 2019

(Canada) [33]

Registered sonographer with > 15 yr of experience in gynecological, obstetrical, and musculoskeletal USI; > 30 h of training on the USI protocol LOGIQ-e, GE; 4- to 13-MHz linear probe, 12.7 × 47.1 mm; B-mode; panoramic imaging* Same as Keshwani (2015a) [48] DRA = IRD ≥ 2 fingers width at all sites (in crook lying, head lifted off pillow) Mean IRD of 5 images per site Not specified
Kim 2022 (Korea) [69] Not specified MySono U5, Samsung Medison, Seoul, Korea, 2010; elliptical probe, B-mode, 47–63 Hz

2.5 cm

above the top of the navel

DRA = IRD ≥ 2 fingers width—self-examination, verified by USI Not specified Measurements made with the caliper of the ultrasound apparatus



(Australia and Canada) [34]

Not specified

MyLab 25, Esaote SpA, Genoa, Italy;

12-MHz linear probe; B-mode

Just above the navel (U point), halfway between the U point and xiphoid

DRA = IRD > 22 mm at 3 cm above the navel,

DRA = IRD > 15 mm inferior to xiphoid;

LA distortion index: the average amount of deviation of the LA path from the shortest path between its attachments

3 images per site and condition

Images captured from videos,

exported to JPEG format; analyzed using ImageJ

(National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,


Li 2022 (China) [66] Three physicians, each with 12 yr of clinical experience Voluson E10 (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, USA); 5- to14-MHz linear probe (ML6-15-D) 3 cm above, below, and at the navel Not applicable Not specified Not specified



(Taiwan) [18]

PT with 13 yr of experience, 5 yr of assessing abdominal muscles using USI; interimage reliability: ICC = 0.91–0.97 SSD-550, Aloka Co, Tokyo, Japan; 7.5-MHz linear probe, 38 mm; B-mode

Probe lower edge: 2.5 cm above and at the upper margin of the navel,

probe upper edge: 2.5 cm below and at the lower margin of the navel

Not applicable Mean IRD of 3 images per site Measurement with an on-screen caliper



(Portugal and Norway) [49]

PT trained in IRD evaluation with USI; discussed the USI protocol and analysis, and practiced with an experienced radiologist. Intra-image reliability: ICC > 0.90, intrarater between-day reliability: ICC = 0.50–0.90


Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA; 4- to12-MHz linear probe, 39 mm; B-mode

The bottom edge of the probe at 2 cm above and below the navel center Not applicable 1 image per site and condition Offline processing using a customized program, MATLAB image processing software (MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA); images assumed as a pixel-based coordinate system



(Portugal and Norway) [71]

PT trained by an experienced radiologist


4- to 12-MHz linear probe, 39 mm; B-mode

Same as Mota (2012) [49] Not applicable Not specified JPG images, processing as by Mota (2012) [49]



(Portugal and Norway) [35]

PT with specific training in USI, including 3 yr of experience assessing IRD LOGIQ-e; GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI; 4- to 12-MHz linear probe, 39 mm (fixed frequency of 12 MHz); B-mode The bottom edge of the probe at 2 and 5 cm above and 2 cm below the navel center Not applicable 1 image per site and condition DICOM images, offline analysis using a customized program (MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox) as by Mota (2012) [49]



(Portugal and Norway) [72]

PT with specific training in USI, including experience in assessing IRD; discussed and practiced the USI protocol and analysis with an experienced radiologist LOGIQ-e, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA; 12-MHz linear probe, 39 mm; B-mode Same as Mota (2015) [35] Determined “normal” IRD values at 5 and 2 cm above, 2 cm below the navel: at 35–41wk gestation: up to 79, 86, and 79 mm, respectively; at 24–26wk postpartum: up to 24, 28, and 21 mm, respectively 1 image per site DICOM images, processing as by Mota (2012) [49]

Morales 2018a

(Spain) [43]

PT with 3 yr of rehabilitative USI experience

Toshiba Aplio 500 Platinum, Toshiba American Medical Systems; CA, USA;

7- to 14-MHz linear probe, 40 mm (18L7PLT-1204BT); B-mode

Just under the navel Not applicable Mean IRD of 3 images Offline measurement using ImageJ software (version 2.0; US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA)

Morales 2018b

(Spain) [58]

PT with 3 yr of USI experience LOGIQ S7, GE Healthcare, UK; 3.1- to 10-MHz linear probe, 44 mm (9L-D); B-mode Same as Morales (2018a) [43] Not applicable Same as Morales (2018a) [43] Offline measurement as by Morales (2018a) [43]

Nanikawa 2021

(Japan) [50]

PT accustomed to USI, after sufficient practice; intrarater reliability: within-day, ICC = 0.99; between-day, ICC = 0.98 Noblus, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan; linear L64 probe (5- to 18-MHz); B-mode Below the navel Not applicable Mean IRD of 2 images Not specified

Pascoal 2014

(Portugal) [36]

not specified Sonoline Prime SLC, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany; 7.5-MHz linear probe, 60 mm; B-mode lower border of the probe: just cephalad to the navel (approximately 2 cm above the navel center) Not applicable Not specified Images recorded on mini DV tape, converted to JPG; semi-automated offline analysis as by Mota (2012) [49]

Romero-Morales 2018

(Spain) [59]

Not specified LOGIQ P7, GE Healthcare; UK; 4- to 13-MHz linear probe, 38 mm (L6-12-RS) same as Morales (2018a) [43] Not applicable SAME as Morales (2018a) [43] ImageJ software (version 2.0) used for offline analysis

Romero-Morales 2019

(Spain) [44]

PT with 3 yr of experience in USI of the musculoskeletal field LOGIQ, GE, Healthcare, UK; 4- to 13-MHz linear probe, 38 mm Same as Morales (2018a) [43] Not applicable same as Morales (2018a) [43] ImageJ software (Bethesda, MD, USA) used for offline measurement

Romero- Morales 2020

(Spain) [45]

PT with 5 yr of USI experience

LOGIQ R S7 R3 XDclear, GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WS, USA;

5- to 15-MHz linear probe, 44 mm (GE ML6–15); B-mode

Just above the navel (according to the photo and its legend) Not applicable Same as Morales (2018a) [43] Measurement using ImageJ software (version 2.0; US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA)

Sancho 2015

(Portugal and Norway) [73]

PT trained in image capturing and IRD measurement LOGIQ-e; GE Healthcare, Hatfield, UK; 4- to 12-MHz linear probe, 30 mm; B-mode 2 cm above and below the navel center Not applicable The best of 3 images (per condition and site)

images imported in JPG format; offline semi-automated analysis

as by Mota (2012) [49]

Starzec-Proserpio 2022 (Poland) [70] Two experienced women’s health PTs trained in the musculoskeletal USI; attended a half-day training together to promote consistency and avoid bias throughout the data collection process Voluson P6 (GE Healthcare Syst.; Chicago, IL, USA); 4- to 12-MHz, 37-mm linear probe; palpation + caliper used to measure IRD wider than the probe 2 cm above the navel Not applicable Not specified The measuring feature was used: after capturing the image, an on-screen cursor was used to mark the IRD



(Norway) [37]

PT after specific training in USI of the pelvic floor and abdomen Mindray M7; 5- to 10-MHz linear probe Lower edge of the probe at 2 cm above and below the navel center DRA = IRD ≥ 2 finger widths at or 2 cm above/below the navel; protrusion 1 image per site and condition

Image in digital format processing;

use of ultrasound’s integrated measurement tool

Theodorsen 2022** (Norway) [75] Women’s health PT with 21 yr of clinical experience; with specific training and clinical experience in USI of the pelvic floor and abdomen Alpinion EC8 Diamond; 8-17 MHz linear probe, B-mode Lower edge of the probe 2 cm above and below the navel DRA = IRD ≥ 28 mm at the navel level and/or 2 cm above and below the navel (at rest) and/or abdominal protrusion Not specified JPG images will be transferred to a server and the measurements will be performed using MicroDicom software

Whittaker 2013

(UK and Canada) [46]

PT with 10 yr of USI experience; within- and between-day intrarater reliability of IRD measurement: ICC = 0.99 MyLab 25, Esaote North America, Inc., Indianapolis, IN; 5.0-MHz curvilinear probe, 40 mm, resolution: 1.0 mm (lateral), 0.93 mm (axial); B-mode Just inferior to the navel Not applicable Mean IRD of 3 images Offline measurement using MATLAB Ver. 7.1 software, MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA; in consultation with a video clip of IRD

*This procedure/mode was used when IRD was too large to be visualized on conventional USI. **Registered study protocol (presenting research project). PT: physiotherapist; DRA: diastasis recti abdominis; LA: linea alba; DICOM: Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine