Fig. 2.
Inter-assay variability in %GIA with anti-RH5 pAb. One hundred eighty different human anti-RH5 pAbs were tested at multiple dilutions using a different batch of RBC for each assay. For each sample at each concentration tested in multiple assays, average (ave %GIA) and standard deviation (sd %GIA) values were calculated from the individual %GIA values, and then the individual %GIA and sd %GIA data points were categorized into one of 11 bins (“0” to “100” for every 10 percent point) based on the ave %GIA value. “0” ave %GIA bin contains any data from sample/concentration with ave %GIA values of < 5. “10” contains 5 and < 15, “20” is 15 and < 25, and so on. “100” bin contains data from ave %GIA values of 95 . a flow of the analysis is shown with example data sets. The box plot (25/50/75 percentiles) with 2.5/97.5 percentiles (error bars) of individual %GIA (b; a total of n = 5,085) or sd %GIA (c; a total of n = 1,638) data set for each bin are shown. The blue dotted line in c demonstrates an average sd of all data