Fig. 1.
GSK3α is an important kinase significantly correlated with colon cancer prognosis.A, the workflow of screening the critical kinases in colon cancer based on the proteome data. B, survival analysis of colon cancer patients with different levels of GSK3α in all tumors or in tumors of different TNM stages (stage II, stage III, and stage IV) based on the proteome data. Of the 78 patients, GSK3α was detected in 74 patients. The p value was calculated by the log-rank test and the best cutoff was applied. C, relative GSK3α expression between tumors and DNTs in the low-GSK3α and high-GSK3α subgroups and the relative levels of GSK3α in four TNM stages in the high-GSK3α subgroup based on the proteome data. The low-GSK3α and high-GSK3α subgroups were divided based on the best cutoff of OS in Fig. 1B. The significance of differences between different groups was calculated by the Wilcoxon test, ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗∗p < 0.001. D and E, survival analysis of colon cancer patients with different GSK3α expression levels in tumors based on the proteome data of the CPTAC cohort (D) and TCGA cohort (E). The p value was calculated by the log-rank test and the best cutoff was selected. F, survival analysis of colon cancer patients with different levels of GSK3β in all tumors or in tumors of different TNM stages (stage II, stage III, and stage IV) based on the proteome data. The p value was calculated by the log-rank test and the best cutoff was applied. OS, overall survival.