Properties of voluntary reaching movements and corrective responses during mechanical probes
(A) Hand paths displayed by a representative participant during reaching movements with random, time-varying disturbances. Solid lines represent the average hand path in each phase of the experiment. Shaded regions represent the corresponding pointwise standard deviation in the lateral direction.
(B) Group mean and SE hand paths. Gray dots represent the hand path variability, averaged pointwise SD in the lateral direction, for each participant. Colored diamonds indicate the means of each phase.
(C) Mean and SE forward velocities of the same exemplar participant are shown in the same format as (A). The data are aligned with movement onset (t = 0 ms).
(D) Group mean and SE forward velocities. Gray dots represent the average peak forward velocities displayed by individual participants. Colored diamonds show the mean of each phase.
(E) Mean and SE hand paths in mechanical probes displayed by the same exemplar participant as in (A).
(F) Group mean and SE hand paths across phases of the experiment.
(G) Mean and SE lateral hand displacements of the same exemplar participant as in (E). The data are aligned with the onset of the mechanical probes which corresponded to the time the participant left the start target (t = 0 ms). Shaded gray area indicates the width of the goal target.
(H) Group mean and SE lateral displacements. Gray dots represent individual averages in each phase of the experiment. Colored diamonds are the corresponding group averages.
Statistically significant effects are highlighted with %-changes in the outcome variable.