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. 2020 Oct 8;1(4):20200005. doi: 10.1515/almed-2020-0005

Table 2:

CYFRA 21-1 diagnostic validity efficacy.

Cutoff 1.8 ng/mL (95% CI) Cutoff 3.15 ng/mL (95% CI) Cutoff 3.15 ng/mL without interferencea (95% CI)
Sensitivity 90.32% 80.65% 79.31%
(95% CI) (73.10–97.47) (61.94–91.88) (60.73–90.15)
Specificity 73.71 % 93.63 % 95.54%
(95% CI) (67.72–78.95) (89.66–96.16) (92.12–97.35)
Positive predictive value 29.79% 60.98% 69.70%
(95% CI) (21.02–40.23) (44.54–75.38) (52.98–80.32)
Negative predictive value 98.40% 97.51% 97.27%
(95% CI) (95.03–99.59) (94.40–98.98) (93.87–98.11)
Positive likelihood ratio 3.43 12.65 17.77
(95% CI) (2.71–4.35) (7.64–20.95) (11.23–24.75)
Negative likelihood ratio 0.13 0.21 0.22
(95% CI) (0.04–0.39) (0.10–0.42) (0.11–0.43)
Youden test 65.5% 71.8% 73.9%

aWithout interference: without renal and liver disease patients. Renal disease as renal filtrate values (CKD-EPI) < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 or serum creatinine < 1.3 mg/dL and liver disease as bilirubin total > 4 mg/dL. Results are expressed in percentage (%), and range is expressed in 95% confidence interval (CI).