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[Preprint]. 2023 Apr 14:2023.04.13.536694. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.04.13.536694

Figure 8. Using WGS data to assess the quality of the Liftover.

Figure 8.

We compared the lifted variant set to the directly-called variant set for overlapping. A) Overview of the pipeline used to assess the quality of the Liftover. A higher portion of variants passed the quality filter for mRatBN7.2. Among them, 97.93% of the variants are liftable from Rnor_6.0 to mRatBN7.2. B) The overlap between lifted variants and the remapping variants. Approximately 11.9% of the variants that can be found with a complete remapping will be missed if a liftover is done instead.