A tolC 33 bp deletion is located on a TolC extracellular loop. The TolC protein (A) contains a α-helical trans periplasmic tunnel, a β-barrel channel embedded in the outer membrane, and extracellular loops at the cell surface. The yellow box represents the inset in (B), where the 11 amino acids corresponding to the 33 bp deletion are highlighted in blue. These amino acids are part of one of the extracellular loops. The nucleotide sequence is shown below the image, representing bps 247-294 (amino acids 83-98) in the FJOH_RS06580 coding sequence. The corresponding amino acids are shown above each codon. Nucleotides highlighted in blue represent the 33 bp deletion. Nucleotides highlighted in orange show how the deletion was in-frame. The 11 bp direct repeats are in bold and underlined. The nucleotide highlighted in green is associated with the nonsynonymous mutation (G247A in the coding sequence, G83R in TolC). TolC from
E. coli
was used as the template (SMTL ID: 6wxi.1) to construct the target
F. johnsoniae
WT TolC model (SWISS-MODEL: GMQE= 0.6, Seq ID=19.06) shown in the figure. The
F. johnsoniae
TolC model generated from removal of 33 bp still maintains equivalent modeling quality (SWISS883 MODEL: GMQE=0.61, Seq ID=19.06).