a, LNPs were formulated with one of three cationic lipids, a PEG-lipid, cholesterol and the compound 7C1. b, LNPs with diameter less than 200 nm as measured by DLS were tested individually in mice. c,d, LNP diameter as a function of helper lipid (c) and PEG molarity (d). *P = 0.0018, two-tailed t-test. e–g, Luminescence of lungs isolated from mice relative to an untreated control (CTRL) 48 h after administration, plotted as a function of charged lipid (e) and PEG molarity (f,g). LNPs with cationic lipids, coupled with high PEG molarity, delivered more mRNA to lungs than LNPs with low PEG molarity (f), with notably high delivery with 55% PEG molarity (g). *P = 0.0346 (f), *P = 0.0201 (g), one-way ANOVA, average ± s.e.m. h–j, PEG molarity used in this study and that found in the best- and worst-performing LNPs ranked by lung luminescence. Unless specified otherwise, ****P < 0.0001, ***P = 0.0002, **P = 0.0026, *P = 0.0034, one-way ANOVA, average ± s.e.m., n = 2 mice per group, biological replicates shown. Circles represent LNPs (a–d) or biological replicates (f,g,j).