Figure 3.
Tau accumulates in synaptosomes in AD entorhinal cortex samples. A–E, Representative Western blottings for tau in human EC insoluble fractions. C indicates a control sample loaded on each Western blotting. F, Quantification of Western blottings of insoluble fractions probed for tau. AD cases harbor significantly greater amounts of tau in the insoluble fraction in the EC compared with controls. Kruskal–Wallis test (H(2) = 7.278, p = 0.0263) with Dunn's multiple comparisons test. *p = 0.021. G, AD insoluble fractions contained significantly more tau phosphorylated at S199 compared with insoluble fractions from both control and CAD cases. One-way ANOVA (F(2,54) = 14.68, p = 8.1 × 10−6) with Tukey's multiple comparisons test. *p = 0.011, ****p = 1.2 × 10−5. H, Insoluble tau phosphorylated at T231 was significantly increased in AD cases compared with control and CAD cases. Kruskal–Wallis test (H(2) = 27.62, p = 1.0 × 10−6) followed by Dunn's multiple comparisons test. *p = 0.037, ****p = 9.2 × 10−7. I, AD insoluble fractions contained significantly more tau phosphorylated at S396 compared with controls. Kruskal–Wallis test (H(2) = 29.49, p = 4.0 × 10−7) with Dunn's multiple comparisons test. ****p = 1.9 × 10−7. J–N, Representative western blot of tau in human EC synaptosomes. C indicates a control sample loaded on each Western blotting. O, Quantification of Western blottings of synaptosome fractions probed for tau. AD cases harbor significantly more tau in EC synaptosomes compared with controls. Kruskal–Wallis test (H(2) = 17.23, p = 0.0002) with Dunn's multiple comparisons test. ***p = 0.0001. P, Synaptosomal tau phosphorylated at S199 is not significantly different among control, CAD, and AD cases. Q, AD synaptosomes contain significantly more synaptosomal tau phosphorylated at T231 compared with controls. Kruskal–Wallis test (H(2) = 7.436, p = 0.0243) with Dunn's multiple comparisons test. *p = 0.02. R, AD synaptosomes contain significantly more synaptosomal tau phosphorylated at S396 compared with CAD cases. Kruskal–Wallis test (H(2) = 6.782, p = 0.0337) with Dunn's multiple comparisons test. *p < 0.028. N = 57 (19 control, 7 CAD, and 31 AD cases). Each point represents one case. Error bars represent SEM.