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. 2023 May 19;14:2880. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-38588-1

Fig. 3. Activated TNF-expressing Th17 cells are significantly enriched in reactive patients.

Fig. 3

Constellation-seq analysis enriched for 1161 transcripts in 2374 single T lymphocytes cells from patch test skin biopsies, n = 10 patients, 5 per group. A UMAP plot depicting clustering of T lymphocyte populations. B Cell subset defining markers (Wilcoxon rank test). C Number of T cell transcriptomes in control reactive (CR) and non-reactive (CNR) patients. The central line denotes the median, boxes represent the interquartile range (IQR), and whiskers show the distribution except for outliers. Outliers are all points outside 1.5 times the IQR. D Top transcription factors expressed in T cells from reactive (CR) and non-reactive (CNR) patients in the control samples. E Top biological pathways enriched at the control site in DEGs from patient reactive (CR) to HDM (KEGG database), p-value computed using the Fisher exact test, with Benjamini Hocheberg FDR correction. F UMAP plots showing expression of Th17 gene signature. G Th17 gene signature across patient groups, dot plot: size depicts % of expressing cells, colour intensity encodes mean expression in the group. H %IL17 producing CD3+ CD4+ T cells from PBMCs in irritant (I) non-reactive (NR) and reactive (R) patients. Kruskal–Wallis test with post hoc Dunn test. I A representative plot of IL17 expression in CD3+ CD4+ T cells I, NR and R patients. J Immunofluorescence staining of HDM-reactive patch test site. Inserts show the indicated optical field in the dermis. Hub structures of co-localising CD207 (blue), CD3 (green) and IL17 (red). Epidermal layer stained with multi-cytokeratin (blue). DAPI stain for nuclei (grey), Scale bars: 50 μm. Representative of n = 2. K) UMAP plots showing expression of TNF and TNFRSF1B across T cells (top) and APCs (bottom). L TNF and TNFRSF1B expression level across patient groups, dot plot: size depicts % of expressing cells, colour intensity encodes mean expression in the group. CR control reactive, HR HDM reactive, CNR control non-reactive, HNR HDM non-reactive. n = 5/group, C and H paired. Source data are provided as a Source Data file and via GEO.